

Update7 (2006:q4)

The following database represents an updated version relative to the Area Wide Model (AWM, ECB Working Paper Series N° 42) and covers the period up to 2006q4.AWM13UP7.csv AWM13UP7.xls

Take a look to the note documenting the procedure used to produce it.AWM update 7.doc AWM update 7.pdf

You can obtain them going to work/assia on Hal as well.

José Emilio Gumiel from DG-Research/Econometric Modelling division (EMO, ECB) gives information about this work:

"This update was done using data taken directly from Eurostat or ECB official sources. We move to a euro area concept with 13 countries, and includes new series on the savings ratio, the seasonally adjusted HICP, the commodity prices breakdown and the euro/USD exchange rate, that we hope will be useful for your work.

Regarding the use of this dataset, bear in mind that, like the previous ones, this is not an ECB database (i.e. not an "official" object).

Hence, when using the data please refer to the aforementioned working paper. In case you receive requests for the data, we would also appreciate if you could redirect them to us, to avoid misuse or misunderstanding of the data and to keep us aware of the extent to which such data are being used.

This database will also be available via the Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN, see www.eabcn.org) in the near future."

DynareWiki: EuroData (last edited 2009-03-25 17:11:55 by localhost)