Attachment 'PrevBVAR.m'
Download 1 function [RMSE,biais,J,ErreursPrev] = PrevBVAR(nlags)
2 % Adapted from bvar_forecast.m.
3 % Here we compute the RMSE associated to in sample forecasts k step ahead
4 % (k=1,...,K) from the posterior mode of the bvar model. The uncertainty
5 % related to the autoregressive matrices and the size of the innovations,
6 % and the uncertainty related to the future shocks are not considered in
7 % this version.
9 global options_
11 % Load dataset
12 dataset = read_variables(options_.datafile, options_.varobs, [], options_.xls_sheet, options_.xls_range);
13 options_ = set_default_option(options_, 'nobs', size(dataset,1)-options_.first_obs+1);
15 train = options_.bvar_prior_train;
17 idx = options_.first_obs+options_.presample-train-nlags:options_.first_obs+options_.nobs-1;
18 idx1 = options_.first_obs+options_.presample-train:options_.first_obs+options_.nobs-1;
19 centrage=mean(dataset(idx1,:));
21 % Prepare dataset
22 if options_.loglinear & ~options_.logdata
23 dataset = log(dataset);
24 end
25 if options_.prefilter
26 dataset(idx,:) = dataset(idx,:) - ones(length(idx),1)*centrage;
27 end
30 [ny, nx, posterior, prior, forecast_data] = bvar_toolbox(nlags);
32 ydata = dataset(idx,:);
33 T = size(ydata, 1);
34 xdata = ones(T,nx);
35 k = ny*nlags+nx;
36 nb_var=size(dataset,2);
37 initrow = nlags+1;
38 horizon = 8;
39 start = 5;
40 termi = 51;
41 nb_prevs = termi-start+1;
43 i1 = initrow+start;
44 i2 = initrow+start+horizon-1;
46 lags_data = ydata(initrow+1:initrow+start-1,:);
47 true_data = ydata(i1:i2,:);
49 erro_data = zeros(ny,horizon,nb_prevs);
50 tic;
51 J = zeros(nb_prevs,horizon+1,7); % initialisation de la matrice renvoyant les prevs du bvar
52 for s=1:nb_prevs
53 true_data = ydata(i1:i2,:);
54 % boucle pour compléter la première colonne de J avec les derniers
55 % points des données avant prev (h=0) - A CORRIGER
56 J(s,1,:)=lags_data(end,:); %dataset(end-47+s,variable);
57 % -------------------------------------------------
58 for t = 1:horizon
59 X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.xdata(t, :) ];
60 y = X * posterior.PhiHat;
61 J(s,t+1,:)=y; % remplissage de la matrice J avec les prevs
62 lags_data(1:end-1,:) = lags_data(2:end, :);
63 lags_data(end,:) = y;
64 erro_data(:,t,s) = transpose(true_data(t,:)-y);
65 end
66 lags_data = ydata(initrow+1+s:initrow+start-1+s,:); % réinitialisation de lags_data
67 i1 = i1+1;
68 i2 = i2+1;
69 end
70 toc
72 ErreursPrev = permute(erro_data,[3 2 1]);
75 % RMSE et biais par horizon de prev
77 RMSE = zeros(ny,horizon);
78 biais = zeros(ny,horizon);
79 for i = 1:ny
80 RMSE(i,:) = sqrt(diag(ErreursPrev(:,:,i)'*ErreursPrev(:,:,i))/nb_prevs);
81 biais(i,:) = mean(ErreursPrev(:,:,i));
82 end
84 % recentrage des prévisions dans la matrice J pour les rendre comparables
85 % aux données initiales
87 for variable=1:nb_var
88 J(:,:,variable)=J(:,:,variable)+centrage(variable);
89 end
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