This page documents the installation of the Dynare 4.1.0 Package on Mac OS X 10.5 or higher.
First steps
Download the Dynare package for Mac OS X from Dynare website
- Install Dynare by double-clicking on the package and following the installation instructions
The default installation folder is /Applications/Dynare/4.1.0, but you can modify it
Change directory to the src/mex/sources folder of the installation directory. In the standard installation, you need to do:
>> cd /Applications/Dynare/4.1.0/src/mex/sources
- At the MATLAB prompt, run
>> build_matlab
Once this has finished running, go to File->Set Path... and add the path to the matlab/ subfolder under the installation folder. In the standard installation, this will be /Applications/Dynare/4.1.0/matlab.
Octave Setup
Download and install the latest Octave Mac OS X binary and add /Applications/ to your search path.
If you are going to use the use_dll or k_order_perturbation options, add the following lines to the /Applications/ file after the set -e statement at the top of the file
CFLAGS="-arch i386 ${CFLAGS}" FFLAGS="-arch i386 ${FFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="-arch i386 ${CPPFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="-arch i386 ${CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="-arch i386 ${LDFLAGS}"
- Before excuting MOD files, you need to execute the following command at Octave prompt:
addpath /Applications/Dynare/4.1.0/matlab
Documentation can be found in the doc/ folder under the installation directory (the default is /Applications/Dynare/4.1.0/doc). The User Guide (located by default in /Applications/Dynare/4.1.0/doc/userguide/UserGuide.pdf) is a particularly helpful starting place. Errata for the User Guide can be found here.