= Version 4.0.4 = * Fixed forecasting after stoch_simul * Fixed crash of the smoother when only one exogenous variable * Fixed issue with compilation of MEX files under 64 bits platforms with Matlab R2009a * Fixed name clash when MOD file is called "ramsey.mod" and computes optimal policy * Fixed USE_DLL option at order 2 * Updates to the reference manual in sections on model resolution and estimation = Version 4.0.3 = * Many bugfixes, including: * fixed estimation of constants in linear models * determistic exogenous now work when there is more than one such variable * fixed recursive estimation * fixed OSR * fix to interface to Global Sensity Analysis toolbox * "simul" and "periods" options are now accepted simultaneously by "stoch_simul" * preprocessor no longer crashes when there is an unexpected EOF * operator precedence is now correct in macro-processor * estimated_params_init and estimated_params_bounds now work in conjunction with correlation of endogenous variables * fixed bug in the macro-processor, when the body of a @#for loop is empty * fixed memory management bug in the preprocessor related to the filename being parsed * fixing bug for mode_compute=5,6 * build_matlab.m script works on Matlab for Windows 64 bits * Structures M_ and options_ are saved in the "_results.mat" output file * Structure bayestopt_ is saved in the "_mode.mat" output file * Added option "notmpterms" to preprocessor, for disabling computation of temporary terms * Macro processor reports the location of @#for or @#if statement when not matched by an @#endfor or an @#endif * Many updates to the reference manual for 4.0 (which is not yet finished) * All code source is now under a free license (GNU General Public License 3 for most of them) * All documentation (including user guide) now licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 = Version 4.0.2 = * Fixed bugs in Kalman filter and smoother * Fixed bug with "corr" statement of "shocks" block * Added error message if number of equations differs from number of endogenous variables (except when doing optimal policy computation, or standalone BVAR estimation) * Fixed bugs with "dynatype" and "dynasave" commands * Fixed name collisions with Matlab functions "sec2hms" and "bicgstab" * Fixed some licensing issues * Removed obsolete "dr_algo" option * Fixed crashes under Octave due to graphics limitations * Added error message when model local variables (pound sign expressions) are used outside model scope * Included AIM subdirectory in packaging * Estimation: modified computation of log(det(invhess)) to solve cases in large models where det(invhess) is smaller than machine precision = Version 4.0.1 = == Bugs fixed == * some files are missing in Debian and Ubuntu packages (only affects Matlab users who don't have the Statistics Toolbox) * typo at the top of {{{DiffuseKalmanSmootherH1.m}}} (thanks to Tsu-ting Tim Lin for reporting) * call to cumulative normal distribution is broken (thanks to Karl Walentin for reporting) * script for building MEX files under Matlab R2008a is broken (thanks to Slim Bridji for reporting) * homotopy mode 3 is broken * BVAR à la Sims: Dynare doesn't accept integer values for tau and lambda parameters (thanks to Aqua for reporting) == Improvements == * new solve_algo=4 for computing steady state: similar to solve_algo=2, except that it behaves differently when the Jacobian becomes nearly singular or badly scaled * homotopy procedures are more verbose