Automatic removing of trends

Stationarizing a non-linear model by hand is a tedious process that is better done by the computer.

Computing the equilibrium growth rates of a balanced growth model is complicated and will not be attempted here. We limit ourselves to replace non-stationary variables by their stationary counterpart as specified by the user.

Current restriction: for the time being we limit ourselves to stochastic trends integrated of order 1.

First case: exogenous nonstationary process

y_t &=& A_t k_{t-1}^\alpha\\
A_t &=& (1+g_t)A_{t-1}\\
g_t &=& \rho\, g_{t-1}+e_t

Assuming that $y_t$ and $k_t$ have common trend $A_t$, the stationarizing procedure calls for dividing first and second equation by $A_t$. The second equation becomes meaningless and corresponds to the fact that $A_t$ doesn't belong to the stationary model.

Second case: endogenous nonstationary process

P_t\,C_t &=& W_t\, L_t\\
P_t &=& (1+\pi_t) P_{t-1}\\
r_t &=& \rho_1 (\pi_t - \bar \pi)

In this case as well, the second equation becomes meaningless after stationarizing the model.

Interface specification and usage

For each sochastic trend, the user lists the growth factor of the stochastic trend in parentheses and the list of variables following that trend. The growth factor is function of parameters and (stationary) variables of the model:

trend (exp(g)), C, K;
trend (exp(m-g)), P;
trend (exp(m)), W, D;

Algorithm of transformation and test

Pobs_t/Pobs_{t-1} = (P_t/P_{t-1})exp(\pi)\\  

where P is the stationarized price level. In that case, variable Pobs shouldn't be listed in a trend expression, but only P and the original equation


shall be transformed in


assuming that we have

trend (exp(pie)), P;