Interface for SVAR exculsion restrictions


y_t' A_0 = \sum_{i=1}^r y_{t-i} A_i + z_t' C + \epsilon_t

where yt is a vector of n endogenous variables, r is the maximum lag length, z a vector of m exogenous variables (only a constant for the time being).

Note that each equation corresponds to the columns of Ai, i=0,...,r.

The model can be written in a more compact form

y_t' A_0 = x_t A_+ + \epsilon_t


x_t = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}y_{t-1}' & \ldots & y_{t-r}' & z_t'\end{array}\right]\;\;\;
A_+ = \left[\begin{array}{c}A_1\\ \vdots \\ A_t\\ C\end{array}\right]

Exculsion Restrictions

Restricitions are defined with Qi and Ri matrices for each column of A0 and A+ respectively.

Q and R matrices are made of 0 and 1 such that

Q_i A_{0,i} = 0\;\;\;R_i A_{+,i} = 0

Qi matrices have n columns and as many rows as there are restrictions.

Ri matrices have k=r*n+m columns and as many rows as there are restrictions.

Dynare implementation

The Qi and Ri matrices are stored in 3-dimensional arrays: Qi' and Ri'

Qi = zeros(n,n,n);
Ri = zeros(k,k,n);

For each exculsion of variable yt,j in equation i

Qi(h,j,i) = 1;

where h is the number of the restriction in equation i in A0

For each exculsion of variable yt-p,j in equation i

Ri(h,(p-2)*n+j,i) = 1;

where h is the number of the restriction in equation i in A+

The above should be implemented in the preprocessor that should create and [these names may collide with restriction on Markov processes. We will need to check later]

In Matlab, we need a function swz/identification/exclusions.m, similar of swz/identification/upper_cholesky.m that is called when exclusions are specified instead of upper_cholesky or lower_cholesky

The only code needed in this function is

%make local copy in order not to call structure fields inside a loop
Qi =;
Ri =;
for n=1:nvar
 Ui(n) = null(Qi(:,:,n));
 Vi(n) = null(Ri(:,:,n));
 n0(n) = size(Ui(n),2);
 np(n) = size(Vi(n),2);

ixmCoPres = NaN; }}}

It is also necessary to write swz/identification/lower_cholesky.m