How to obtain trace plots after a Metropolis-Hastings

It can be useful to plot iterations vs. sampled values for each variable (parameter) in a chain. If the Metropolis-Hastings converges to a stable distribution, the trace plot has to be stable (e.g. no trend in the sampled values).

After a metropolis (that is after the estimation command in the mod file) you just have to write:



After the estimation of the model in fs2000.mod if we want to build a trace plot for parameter alp, we just have to write:


and the following plot will pop up:


where the black curve is a moving average of the sampled values. That is, if the sampled values are latex($\{\alpha_i\}_{i=1}^N$) where latex($N$) is the number of simulations in the Metropolis Hastings chain, the moving average curve is defined as:

a_{j}=\frac{1}{2q+1}\sum_{k=-q}^{q} \alpha_{j+k}

for all latex($j$) between latex($q+1$) and latex($N-q$). The default value of latex($q$) is 200. The value of latex($q$) may be changed by writing:

options_.trace_plot_ma = 2222;

before the call to trace_plot.