Testing program for problem A

Status of testing program

The program performs the following tests:

  1. accuracy on a sphere in the state space
  2. accuracy on a stochastic simulation
  3. Den Haan Marcet statistics

For the time being, only the following solutions are implemented:

Others are coming soon.

Note: tests for specification A2 with KKM solution give abnormally large errors on marginal labor equation, because KKM did not implement the right specification in that case (they use gamma=1 and eta=1 instead of gamma=0.25 and eta=0.1)

Installing and running the program

The testing program is designed to run on the two following platforms: GNU/Linux and Windows/Cygwin.

You need the following software to run the program:

Download the source of the testing program with:

svn checkout http://www.cepremap.cnrs.fr/svn/JedcTestSuiteTestsA

Then go into the JedcTestSuiteTestsA, and configure the package.

Under GNU/Linux, type:

./configure --with-matlab=/usr/local/matlab76

(where you should give the right MATLAB installation directory)

Under Windows/Cygwin, type:

export FC=/usr/local/gfortran/bin/gfortran
export FCLIBS=/usr/local/gfortran/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.4.0/libgfortran.a
./configure --with-matlab=/cygdrive/c/Progra~1/MATLAB

(note that you shoud use "Progra~1" instead of "Program Files" when giving the path to MATLAB directory, since spaces in pathnames are not supported)

Finally, compile the testing program by typing:


This should have created a program called tester.