8th Dynare Conference

The 8th annual DYNARE Conference will be held in Zurich in Switzerland on September 20-21, 2012.
When Sep 20, 2012 12:00 AM to
Sep 21, 2012 12:00 AM
Where Zurich, Switzerland
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The conference is organized by the Swiss National Bank together with Bank of France, DSGE-net, and the Dynare project at CEPREMAP.

The DYNARE conference will feature the work of leading scholars in dynamic macroeconomic modeling and provide an excellent opportunity to present your own research results.

Lawrence Christiano (Northwestern University) and Junior Maih (IMF) will be plenary speakers.

Conference Program

Submissions of papers dealing with different aspects of DSGE modeling and computational methods are all welcome. Papers using other software tools than DYNARE or theoretical contributions are also encouraged.

We are planning a special session on the use of DSGE models in the policy-making process. If you are interested in sharing your experience in that field, please provide a short (one-paragraph) outline of the presentation you would like to make.

Accepted papers will be published in the Dynare Working Papers series upon request by the submitter. Note that publication in the Dynare WP series does not prohibit submission to another working paper series.

Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2012. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by May 14, 2012.

Contact: conference@dynare.org

Organizers: Nicolas Cuche-Curti (Swiss National Bank), Alain Gabler (Swiss National Bank), Michel Juillard (Bank of France).

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