SOE and Collateral Constraint

Hi everybody,
I am building a DSGE for a small open economy (SOE) that borrows abroad, subject to a collateral constraint. If in the economy there is just one international good (so that debt is denominated in this good which is the same good produced by the SOE and the exchange rate is 1) the model works fine. Since I would like to give a role to the exchange rate, I have slightly changed the model by including a foreign good as an input in the production function; moreover, I assume that foreign debt is denominated in foreign goods. In this framework, I got 6 eigenvalues instead of 5, so the equilibrium is not stable and I do not understand why.
If I change the collateral constraint by assuming that the SOE can borrow against its future capital (instead of the current one) the equilibrium is stable, but the dynamic is really odd: output falls abruptly in the first period (around 5%), partially recovers in the second one and then comes back to the steady state very slowly.
I attach two mod files: i) FCSOE works fine, but I do not have the exchange rate; ii) In FCSOE_imp the SOE imports foreign inputs and the equilibrium is unstable.
Can anyone of you help me? I really would like to understand why BK conditions are not met (is it just a timing problem in my code or are there any other reasons?) .
Thank you very much,
I am building a DSGE for a small open economy (SOE) that borrows abroad, subject to a collateral constraint. If in the economy there is just one international good (so that debt is denominated in this good which is the same good produced by the SOE and the exchange rate is 1) the model works fine. Since I would like to give a role to the exchange rate, I have slightly changed the model by including a foreign good as an input in the production function; moreover, I assume that foreign debt is denominated in foreign goods. In this framework, I got 6 eigenvalues instead of 5, so the equilibrium is not stable and I do not understand why.
If I change the collateral constraint by assuming that the SOE can borrow against its future capital (instead of the current one) the equilibrium is stable, but the dynamic is really odd: output falls abruptly in the first period (around 5%), partially recovers in the second one and then comes back to the steady state very slowly.
I attach two mod files: i) FCSOE works fine, but I do not have the exchange rate; ii) In FCSOE_imp the SOE imports foreign inputs and the equilibrium is unstable.
Can anyone of you help me? I really would like to understand why BK conditions are not met (is it just a timing problem in my code or are there any other reasons?) .
Thank you very much,