i tried to do this example in matalb by dynare( to be fimliar with dynare), but dynare give me in every steps an error message, like this one:
?? Error: File: Untitled.m Line: 17 Column: 19
The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
i think he mean the by line 17 column 19 the sign (=) , but really i dont see what's wrong with (=)
periods 20100;
var y, c, k, a, h, b;
varexo e,u;
parameters beta, rho, beta, alpha, delta, theta, psi, tau;
alpha = 0.36;
rho = 0.95;
tau = 0.0025;
beta = 0.99;
delta = 0.025;
psi = 0;
theta = 2.95;
c*theta*h^(1+psi)=(1-alpha)* y;
k = beta*(((exp(b)*c)/exp(b(+1))*c(+1)))*(exp(b(+1)*alpha*y(+1)+(1-delta)*k));
y = exp(a)*(k(-1)^alpha)*(h^(1-alpha));
k= exp(b)*(y-c)+(1-delta)*k(-1);
a= rho*a (-1)+ tau*b(-1)+ e;
b= tau*a(-1)+rho*b(-1)+ u;
y = 1.08068253095672;
c = 0.80359242014163;
h = -1.2;
k = 2.4;
a = 0;
b = 0;
e = 0;
u = 0;
sigma_e = [ 0.000081, phi*0.009*0.009; 0.000081];