I am trying to replicate the DSGE model by Del Negro et al. (2015): "Inflation in the Great Recession and New Keynesian Models" using Dynare. The model is basically a SW07 model with financial frictions and a time-varying Inflation target. The Matlab model-code is published on the website (see also attached the file containing the equilibrium conditions). The model is very similar to the one used (and published) by the Fed New York (https://github.com/FRBNY-DSGE/DSGE-2015-Apr).
Unfortunately, my code is not running because the BK-condition is not satisfied (i.e. I have one forward-looking variable too much). This usually speeks for a timing problem but I cannot find the mistake. I have as many forward-looking variables as the authors have in their Matlab-code (where the model is in Sims form). Some time ago, other Dynare-users published similar questions in this forum (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6802) but did not post whether they managed to replicate the model in Dynare.
If anybody has already successfully replicated one of the above-mentioned models in Dynare I would be so grateful if she/he would share the respective file/equations with me. Or can somebody give me a hint where a problem in my code could lie?
Thanks a lot in advance and best wishes,