Hi ,
I tried to run ireland.mod, an example included in snapshot version, which is maximum likelihood estimation following ireland (2004).
The thing is the optimization is terminated with a warning message.
205 4853 -2329.27 -0.003391 0.00391 -2.46e-006 19.3 Hessian modified twice
206 4875 -2329.27 -0.003391 1 -7.49e-008 10.8
Optimization terminated: magnitude of search direction less than 2*options.TolX
and maximum constraint violation is less than options.TolCon.
No active inequalities.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 8.143325e-023.
> In dynare_estimation at 399
In ireland4 at 202
In dynare at 26
I checked dynare_estimation at 399 ,
399: invhess = inv(hh);
it seems it is an inverse of Hessian matrix.
What could cause this? Can I just ignore this warning message?
Thank you.