I know there are no recipes to make calibration, but I would like to learn from your experience.
I am trying to replicate a simple model like the one in the book of Cooley 1995 (Ch. 7). I mean a CIA monetary economy and then compare the detrended series performance (correlations and variances) with the real data of one country.
My doubt is: How should I treat the series in order to use them to calibrate?
For example. for the simplest case: the calibration of "rho" in an AR(1) process for the technological shock.
It is not difficult estimate rho from : z= rho*z(-1)+ e
But I have some alternatives:
1) use the trend of z?
2) use cycle of z?
3) use the variable without transformations?
Which one is more plausible or more used empirically?
Thank you in advance.
Mauricio V.