I have written an m-file for computing the steady state of my model and it works fine by itself.
However, if I execute the mod file and it automatically accesses the steadystate file it gives me an error saying "Too many output arguments".
What does that mean? I have the same number of variables in the mod file as I have in the stst-file.
Another question I have concerns the "end of period" stock notation convention of dynare. I can understand why that leads to taking k(-1) when writing the capital accumulation equation. But that will not suffice to get my model running. How do I treat forward-looking variables for the interest rate or the exchange rate? Can I leave them like that or do I push them one period back.
If I do not integrate the stst-file and run the mod file by inserting the values computed by it directly as initvals then there is no convergence.
I would be very thankful if someone could have a look at my code and make some suggestions.
Best regards.