Dear all,
new version of Dynare++ can be now downloaded (binaries for Windows, Linux and source codes).
The main improvements since the version 1.3.5 include:
- Changed a way how random numbers are generated. Dynare++ uses a separate instance of Mersenne twister for each simulation, this corrects a flaw of additional randomness caused by operating system scheduler. This also corrects a strange behaviour of random generator on Windows, where each simulation was getting the same sequence of random numbers.
- Added calculation of conditional distributions controlled by --condper and --condsim
- Added unary + operator into the parser.
The main bug fixes since the version 1.3.5 include:
- Corrected a bug of segmentation faults for long names and path names.
- Dropped creating unfoled version of decision rule at the end. This might consume a lot of memory and cause segmentation fault for some models.
Ondra K.