My model has two possible steady states, but one is economically meaningless.
I can solve with a MATLAB file for the steady state that I want. Then, I set the INITVAL part of the program so that the variables have that values.
I expect DYNaRE then to find immediately the steady state, since this coincides with the initval values (I checked that this is the case)
Instead the command STEADY find other values as steady state. This sounds odd to me. I attach the .mod file that show sthis problem.
From the manual is not clear to me in section 3.6.3 how to set an external file so that the .mod file recognize the steady state values of the ordered variables.
My final goal is to simulate a dynamic transition from one steady state to another. I can set the initval and endval calculating them with an external .m file. But the the .mod file will calculate the ss and then the eigenvalues in the wrong way.