jpfeifer wrote:Are you sure your fiscal sector uniquely determines the level of debt? Or is any value of debt feasible?
hlt215 wrote:The problem is not with Dynare, but with the model's equations. As the message says, although you have the number of variables that equals the number of uknowns, it seems you have entered one equations which should not be there and missign another equation that instead should be there. So, you need to find out what not useful equation you need to substitute.
Someone else might explain it better
jpfeifer wrote:The file is missing.
ERROR: If the model is declared linear the second derivatives must be equal to zero.
The following equations had non-zero second derivatives:
* Eq # 3
jpfeifer wrote:Your model is still wrong. The unstable version will tell you
- Code: Select all
ERROR: If the model is declared linear the second derivatives must be equal to zero.
The following equations had non-zero second derivatives:
* Eq # 3
because e.g. b*g is not linear
, If you mean B, B is a parameter. The error I have now is;jpfeifer wrote: because e.g. b*g is not linear
jpfeifer wrote:You seem to have a timing problem in your model. Are you for example sure that the timing of
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is correct?
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