Thanks Michel for the reply. Dynare finally worked in Mandriva 2009. Here is the step by step summary of the methods for future reference:
1. Download the latest version of Dynare ( Dynare-4.0.3). Unzip it.
2. In the console as a root user, copy the contents to /lib/dynare. (cp -R /home/dynare/* lib/dynare)
3. $ cd lib/dynare/preprocessor.
4. $ make
If there is error in compiling, read this carefully ([1])
If there is no error read the link as well to better understand what is happening
, then proceed to step 5.
5. Launch Matlab Application then from the command window go to lib/dynare/mex/sources.
6. Type in matlab console: build_matlab
This will compile the different dynamic libraries according to your processor specifications. [1]
7. mv MATLAB_PATH/sys/os/glnx86/ MATLAB_PATH/sys/os/glnx86/
This deletes the gcc library distributed (and used by default) by matlab (GCC 4.1.1). Mandriva 2009 uses GCC 4.3.2. This removes the compatibility issues. [2]
8. add the correct path at run time. [3] Type in matlab console: addpath /lib/dynare/matlab.
This should be working by now. Try and test it.
9. You should be in this current directory (in matlab): lib/dynare/doc/userguide/models.
10. Try running this mod file: dynare fs2000ns.mod
[1][2][3] ... anOrUbuntu