Dynare 4.5.0 installation probem
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:48 pm
I tried to install dynare 4.5.0. I followed all the instructions, setting path etc. When I tried to run a dynare code, it threw me off the system.
Now when I open matlab (2016a) it gives me the following warning message. I uninstalled 4.5.0 version and deleted the relevant matlab folder and went back to 4.4.3. I continue to get the same warning. How do I get rid of this warning. It looks like 4.5.0 is not working in my machine.
Warning: Directory access failure: \Users\tzha\ZhaData\Git\TZcode\MatlabFiles
> In path (line 109)
In startup (line 32)
In matlabrc (line 209)
Warning: Directory access failure:
> In path (line 109)
In startup (line 33)
In matlabrc (line 209)
I tried to install dynare 4.5.0. I followed all the instructions, setting path etc. When I tried to run a dynare code, it threw me off the system.
Now when I open matlab (2016a) it gives me the following warning message. I uninstalled 4.5.0 version and deleted the relevant matlab folder and went back to 4.4.3. I continue to get the same warning. How do I get rid of this warning. It looks like 4.5.0 is not working in my machine.
Warning: Directory access failure: \Users\tzha\ZhaData\Git\TZcode\MatlabFiles
> In path (line 109)
In startup (line 32)
In matlabrc (line 209)
Warning: Directory access failure:
> In path (line 109)
In startup (line 33)
In matlabrc (line 209)