About the De-trending of Two-Sector Model
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:30 am
I'm building up a model in which there are two types of intermediate firms with different productivity growth trends. If the average growth rate of type A firm is higher than that of type-B firm (with other features reserved in, say, a standard RBC model), and the the final good is a CES composite of the two goods produced by each type of firm, is it possible to define a balanced-growth path and de-trend the model economy in this case?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm building up a model in which there are two types of intermediate firms with different productivity growth trends. If the average growth rate of type A firm is higher than that of type-B firm (with other features reserved in, say, a standard RBC model), and the the final good is a CES composite of the two goods produced by each type of firm, is it possible to define a balanced-growth path and de-trend the model economy in this case?
Thanks in advance for your help!