I am looking for a way to estimate the two persistence-parameters of an AR(2)-process, with the only prior restriction being stability of the process. One of my model equations specifies an AR(2)-process for variable x:
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where epsilon is an exogenous i.i.d. shock, x is the endogenous variable and xbar is a prespecified fixed parameter equal to the unconditional mean of x. rho1 and rho2 are the two parameters to be estimated for this equation. The only prior restriction I would like to impose for both parameters is stability of this AR(2)-process, i.e. that abs(rho1+rho2)<1. Is there any way to specify something like a joint prior distribution of two parameters, like "The linear combination rho1+rho2 is uniformly distributed", while being able to recover the individual values of the parameters. The problem is the "less than" sign, which means that I cannot simply express one parameter through the other one. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.