When you put
- Code: Select all
after your initval-command, Dynare shows you the residuals:
Residuals of the static equations:
Equation number 1 : 0
Equation number 2 : -3.3333
Equation number 3 : 3.4997
Equation number 4 : -0.01
Equation number 5 : -0.21583
Equation number 6 : -1
Equation number 7 : 1
Equation number 8 : -0.442
Equation number 9 : -2
Equation number 10 : -1.2867
Equation number 11 : 0.1
Equation number 12 : 0.5
Hence, your steady state is incorrect. The reason may be your try to get a loglinearization. Do not put variables as exp(log(x)). Rather, you have to use exp(x) because if in your original model you used x_orig and now you use exp(x), it means that you performed a variable substitution: x=log(x_orig).
But when you use exp(log(x)), exp and log cancel and you are back to x=x_orig. Note also that if a variable is already in logs in the original model (for example if you have shocks that are defined as percentage deviations from steady state), you do not replace them by their logs through putting exp() as you would then get log(log(x)).