Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:12 pm
Hi, I'm trying to incorporate a penalty function in an otherwise standard model with borrowing constraints (similar to Mendoza 2010): a_{t+1} <= k_t (the total amount borrowed cannot be higher than a fraction of the beginning of period capital). The penalty function that I am using is:
I'm solving the model as deviations from steady state (exp), so my Dynare code for the penalty looks like:
- Code: Select all
\frac{b}{c^2}e^{c(a_{t+1}-\alpha k_t)}
I'm solving the model as deviations from steady state (exp), so my Dynare code for the penalty looks like:
- Code: Select all
\frac{b}{c}e^{c(exp(a)-\alpha exp(k(-1)}