I'm trying to reproduce the results of an estimation of a DSGE model. I've got the .mod file and the data set in a .mat file and everything I'm supposed to need to run the estimation.
I've installed matlab and dynare and I'm able to run a simulation of the examples that come along with dynare. To do this I start with setting the path: file-set path-add folder: c:\dynare\4.2.4\matlab then i type the command: "cd C:\dynare\4.2.4\examples" an then the command: "dynare example1" and the simulation works fine.
But when I try to estimate the DSGE model(with bayesian maximum likelihodd, and I've got the priors) I'm getting an error. I upload the folder where the files are and I type the command: "estimation(datafile=dataest,prefilter=1,lik_init=1,mh-replic=1500000,mh_jscale=0.5,mode_check);" which is the command used by he who created the .mod file and who's results I'm supposed to reproduce.
Then I get the error: ??? estimation(datafile=dataest,prefilter=1,lik_init=1,mh-replic=1500000,mh_jscale=0.5,mode_check);
Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment. (It's pointing to the equal sign datafile=dataest, where dataest is the .mat file with the dataset)
Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks, Anders.