Modelling non stationary stochastic proceses in an RBC model

Dear All,
I would like to know if there is a way DYNARE can solve an RBC model where the error structure is stationary on first difference (ie: y(t)=x(t)-x(t-1) and y(t)=rho*y(t-1)+epsilon(t))(I am particularlly interested in solving using Dynare Mary Finn's (1995 Jornal of Economic Dynamics and Control) RBC model with variable depreciation, variable capital utilization and were the error structure is non stationary). I can transform the model to stationarity but I am interested on the moments and the dynamics of the nonstationary model.
I would like to know if there is a way DYNARE can solve an RBC model where the error structure is stationary on first difference (ie: y(t)=x(t)-x(t-1) and y(t)=rho*y(t-1)+epsilon(t))(I am particularlly interested in solving using Dynare Mary Finn's (1995 Jornal of Economic Dynamics and Control) RBC model with variable depreciation, variable capital utilization and were the error structure is non stationary). I can transform the model to stationarity but I am interested on the moments and the dynamics of the nonstationary model.