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Ramsey policy command problem - error

Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:49 pm
by reduardo
Dear Experts,
I found the next command on Juillard's user manual for optimal policy package: eliminate lagrange multipliers, and when I use it, I get the next error message:
??? Undefined function or variable 'eliminate_lagrange_multipliers'.
Error in ==> ramsey2 at 141
Error in ==> dynare at 120
evalin('base',fname) ;
Could you please help me?
Thanks a lot!
Re: Ramsey policy command problem - error

Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:24 am
by SébastienVillemot
I am not aware of any Dynare function called "eliminate_lagrange_multipliers". You must be mislead. Where did you get that information?
In Dynare, the main command for Ramsey policy is precisely called "ramsey_policy".
Re: Ramsey policy command problem - error

Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:56 pm
by reduardo
I found it in the Juillard's user manual for optimal policy package, but now, I'm using mult_eliminate, but matlab shows the next error:
??? Input argument "oo_" is undefined.
Error in ==> mult_elimination at 32
dr = oo_.dr;
Error in ==> untitled4 at 143
Error in ==> dynare at 120
evalin('base',fname) ;
Could you please help me?
Thanks a lot!
Re: Ramsey policy command problem - error

Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:42 pm
by SébastienVillemot
Which version of Dynare are you using?
Also, please post your MOD-file. I can't help without replicating your problem.
Re: Ramsey policy command problem - error

Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:18 pm
by reduardo
Mr. Villemont,
I’m using Dynare to solve a DSGE model and I want to know if the program has a form to eliminate the Lagrange multipliers in the ramsey_policy command.
These are the commands that I had tried:
but none of them remove the multipliers. Estas son las opciones que he intentado, pero ninguna me elimina los multiplicadores.
I found these commands in Juilliard’s manual, “User manual for optimal policy package”.
I’m using Dynare 4.1.1 and I attached DYN-file and Juilliard’s manual.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Re: Ramsey policy command problem - error

Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:59 am
by SébastienVillemot
This is not an official Dynare manual, and it is likely outdated. Dynare 4.1 is also a very old version which is no longer supported.
I encourage you to upgrade to the latest Dynare (4.3.2) and to use the ramsey_policy command available there.