parallel MCMC waiting bar

it seems to me that the information displayed
by the waiting bar concerning the various chains of MCMC that are run in parallel is incorrect.
Within a second the bars go from almost full to 2/3 and vice versa (I'm running 100000 draws per chain).
In other words it is not clear what the bars try to indicate: fraction of draws done?
If so, there must be something wrong.
Can this be fixed?
Thanks and best
it seems to me that the information displayed
by the waiting bar concerning the various chains of MCMC that are run in parallel is incorrect.
Within a second the bars go from almost full to 2/3 and vice versa (I'm running 100000 draws per chain).
In other words it is not clear what the bars try to indicate: fraction of draws done?
If so, there must be something wrong.
Can this be fixed?
Thanks and best