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Hello I have about consumption preference

Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:28 am
by yoyoNDHU
I have a question!
I know maybe it not a good question.., because it's not a question for code.
My question is in my model my consumption is
C_t= [(1-alpha_t)^(1/eta)C_ht^((eta-1)/eta) + (alpha_t)^(1/eta)C_ft^((eta-1)/eta)]^(eta/(eta-1))
I want set alpha_t be a AR(1) shock, but someone ask me
if you set it be a shock if alpha >1 your model will get wrong~~
It's will happen in dynare? If yes, how can I set a regine for the shock~~
Thanks for everyone
Re: Hello I have about consumption preference

Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:44 am
by jpfeifer
I don't completely get the question, but Dynare computes a smooth Taylor approximation to your FOCs. A constraint of the type you are imagining would require an occasionally binding constraint. This cannot be done in Dynare. Maybe it could be done using the extended path method.
Re: Hello I have about consumption preference

Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:24 am
by yoyoNDHU
Really really thanks for your help!!
I want ask two more question!
1) I know order=1 is using in log linear form
but...I'm so stupid use in nonlinear form
It will get a big error??
2) Because of using nonliear form
I remember dynare will take log by itself
then I set AR(1) process to A=A(-1)^rho*exp(ea)
finally my model is success to get result but I afraid all the result are wrong..
thanks for your help!
Re: Hello I have about consumption preference

Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:36 am
by yoyoNDHU
Does someone can give me the answer or some suggest?
Thanks for everyone!
Re: Hello I have about consumption preference

Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:00 pm
by jpfeifer
1) Nobody knows. The approximation error depends on the strength of the non-linearity and the shock size. You may be lucky or not.
2) Dynare won't automatically take the log. You have to do this manually be using a variable substitution with exp(). Dynare does the linearization for you.