Using deep parameters in steady_state_model; section

Hi all!
I'm rather new to Dynare and have a tricky problem which hopefully has an easy solution. I tried searching, but using # in searches is kind of awkward and couldn't find a good answer.
Sorry, but this is going to be confusing. Please bear with me and ask questions about where you're confused. I know I'm not going to be able to explain everything in one go, but I'll try.
Key information:
The question:
I need the steady state value (in the actual steady_state_model; section) of DIFFREALGDP_observed (and the other observed variables) to be DIFFREALGDPSS (or the equivalent for the others). Since DIFFREALGDPSS is defined with a # in the model block, I can't just set DIFFREALGDP_observed = DIFFREALGDPSS because DIFFREALGDPSS only has scope within the model block. I could detrend the data so that its zero-mean, but that didn't seem like a good idea to my coworkers. Could I use a steady state file to get around this problem, and how would that work? Any other ideas? Let me know if I wasn't clear about something.
Thanks in advance,
I'm rather new to Dynare and have a tricky problem which hopefully has an easy solution. I tried searching, but using # in searches is kind of awkward and couldn't find a good answer.
Sorry, but this is going to be confusing. Please bear with me and ask questions about where you're confused. I know I'm not going to be able to explain everything in one go, but I'll try.
Key information:
- My model is expressed in terms of log-linearized variables. In other words, all of my variables are expressed using the xSS*exp(x) convention meaning that while I'm calling xSS the "steady state" value of x, in the steady_state_model; section I have x=0 because the log deviation from steady state (xSS) is zero in the long run. This works because I'm using a first order approximation of my model.
- The model I'm working with has a full analytic solution for the steady state (already determined)
- The values of many "steady states" depend on estimated parameters
- I have a few observed variables with raw data which relate to variables in the equation with measurement noise
- The "steady states" are defined in the model block using # - (for example #RSS = INFCSS/beta;). I've been convinced that this is a good idea because some steady state values depend on estimated parameters.
- For example: DIFFREALGDP_observed = DIFFREALGDP + eDIFFREALDGP + DIFFREALGDPSS where eDIFFREALGDP is a shock with a calibrated variance (the measurement error) and DIFFREALGDPSS is the "steady state" value of DIFFREALGDP
The question:
I need the steady state value (in the actual steady_state_model; section) of DIFFREALGDP_observed (and the other observed variables) to be DIFFREALGDPSS (or the equivalent for the others). Since DIFFREALGDPSS is defined with a # in the model block, I can't just set DIFFREALGDP_observed = DIFFREALGDPSS because DIFFREALGDPSS only has scope within the model block. I could detrend the data so that its zero-mean, but that didn't seem like a good idea to my coworkers. Could I use a steady state file to get around this problem, and how would that work? Any other ideas? Let me know if I wasn't clear about something.
Thanks in advance,