Much obliged again for the informative rejoinder.
I shall strive to evoke a best guess from the calibrated version for the prior information characterisation, as you champion, as opposed to adopting the paper's priors. Although, I fear little success in light of my attempt to estimate the sole first parameter with the calibrated version's value as the mean only to then obtain the following:
- Code: Select all
MH: Multiple chains mode.
MH: Searching for initial values...
MH: Initial values found!
MH: Number of mh files : 1 per block.
MH: Total number of generated files : 3.
MH: Total number of iterations : 1000.
MH: average acceptation rate per chain :
0.0080 0.0070 0.0090
MH: Total number of Mh draws: 1000.
MH: Total number of generated Mh files: 1.
MH: I'll use mh-files 1 to 1.
MH: In mh-file number 1 i'll start at line 500.
MH: Finally I keep 500 draws.
MH: I'm computing the posterior mean and covariance... Done!
MH: I'm computing the posterior log marginale density (modified harmonic mean)...
MH: The support of the weighting density function is not large enough...
MH: I increase the variance of this distribution.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: There's probably a problem with the modified harmonic mean estimator.
Log data density is -Inf.
prior mean post. mean conf. interval prior pstdev
eta 2.000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 norm 0.7500
what would the problem with the modified harmonic mean estimator delineate?
Also, whensoever dependant upon the simulated data as observations (7 obs.) for the estimation procedure the same exercise (1 sole estimation) seems to spawn a hybrid result.
Namely, the values are unvaried and the posterior distribution is not at all displayed on the graph (attached) despite the seeming success:
- Code: Select all
MH: Multiple chains mode.
MH: Searching for initial values...
MH: Initial values found!
MH: Number of mh files : 1 per block.
MH: Total number of generated files : 3.
MH: Total number of iterations : 10000.
MH: average acceptation rate per chain :
0.6756 0.6791 0.6795
MCMC Diagnostics: Univariate convergence diagnostic, Brooks and Gelman (1998):
Parameter 1... Done!
MH: Total number of Mh draws: 10000.
MH: Total number of generated Mh files: 1.
MH: I'll use mh-files 1 to 1.
MH: In mh-file number 1 i'll start at line 5000.
MH: Finally I keep 5000 draws.
MH: I'm computing the posterior mean and covariance... Done!
MH: I'm computing the posterior log marginale density (modified harmonic mean)...
MH: The support of the weighting density function is not large enough...
MH: I increase the variance of this distribution.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Let me try again.
MH: Modified harmonic mean estimator, done!
Log data density is -38.385303.
prior mean post. mean conf. interval prior pstdev
eta 2.000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 norm 0.7500
how could one appraise this?
Ultimately, you have endorsed the option of iterative mode finding in another recent post as well as in the present: would loading the MODEL NAME_mode file from an unsuccessful estimation procedure as the ones hereto discussed (negative definite Hessian; etc.) be implementable? If so, does there exist any particular mode finders sequence (4-9-6)?