Parallel computing problem
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:49 pm
Hi everyone,
I tried to run an estimation using the parallel option using smets and wouters 2003 model.
I download PSTools and I should have add it into the window path.
When I run the code dynare give these warnings (Of course after loadings the data and computing the posterior mode)
Warning: File '\\localhost\$\\\slaveParallel_break.mat' not found.
> In dynareParallelDelete at 51
In masterParallel at 184
In random_walk_metropolis_hastings at 148
In dynare_estimation_1 at 931
In dynare_estimation at 70
In SW2003_parall at 375
In dynare at 120
C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003>psexec -d -W C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003 -a 0 -low C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\bin\matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -singleCompThread -r "addpath('C:\dynare\2013-06-17\matlab'), dynareroot = dynare_config(); fParallel(1,1,1,1,'random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core')"
"psexec" non Š riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
Traslation of the last two lines ("psexec" is not recognize as an internal or external command, as an executable program or a batch file).
C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003>psexec -d -W C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003 -a 1 -low C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\bin\matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -singleCompThread -r "addpath('C:\dynare\2013-06-17\matlab'), dynareroot = dynare_config(); fParallel(2,2,2,1,'random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core')"
"psexec" non Š riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
Besides , the waitbar of the mcmc pop up on the screen with the status of initialize but the computation of the mcmc does not start.
Any suggestion?
I tried to run an estimation using the parallel option using smets and wouters 2003 model.
I download PSTools and I should have add it into the window path.
When I run the code dynare give these warnings (Of course after loadings the data and computing the posterior mode)
Warning: File '\\localhost\$\\\slaveParallel_break.mat' not found.
> In dynareParallelDelete at 51
In masterParallel at 184
In random_walk_metropolis_hastings at 148
In dynare_estimation_1 at 931
In dynare_estimation at 70
In SW2003_parall at 375
In dynare at 120
C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003>psexec -d -W C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003 -a 0 -low C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\bin\matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -singleCompThread -r "addpath('C:\dynare\2013-06-17\matlab'), dynareroot = dynare_config(); fParallel(1,1,1,1,'random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core')"
"psexec" non Š riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
Traslation of the last two lines ("psexec" is not recognize as an internal or external command, as an executable program or a batch file).
C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003>psexec -d -W C:\Users\federico\Desktop\dynare simulation\dynare simulation\SW2003 -a 1 -low C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\bin\matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -singleCompThread -r "addpath('C:\dynare\2013-06-17\matlab'), dynareroot = dynare_config(); fParallel(2,2,2,1,'random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core')"
"psexec" non Š riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
Besides , the waitbar of the mcmc pop up on the screen with the status of initialize but the computation of the mcmc does not start.
Any suggestion?