by macroresearch123 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:45 pm
Although understanding the nuances of smets-wouters is beyond my current knowledge base, here are two comments:
1. On Matlab, one trick I have used, not always successful, is defining the objective function "F" at the end of the commands as follows: F=[real(F(:,:)), imag(F(:,:))]. What this does is partition the solutions into the real and imaginary roots; sometimes the real solutions will be the "right" ones. However, since this does not always work, Dynare can be a great mechanism to solve it differently. If you are familiar with Matlab (which you are), the transition is easy "more or less"; there are some quirks Dynare has, but jpfeifer is great at answering a range of questions and the Dynare manual is also relatively comprehensive.
2. Regarding identification of elasticity parameters: these are indeed not deep parameters in the sense of depreciation, discount rates, risk aversion parameters, etc; elasticities are endogenous to technological change. However, for certain durations, we can treat them as fixed. For example, Per Krussel, Hassler, and Olovsson have a 2012 NBER working paper that incorporates energy into a general equilibrium context and shows that Cobb Douglas is a poor approximation for matching US energy / growth facts, point being that the results may not be robust to functional form. This is not necessarily a bad thing per se, but just a reality. One of the best ways to handle this is to estimate or calibrate based on some reasonable assumptions, then just test the model under a very conservative elasticity estimate.