If an answer to the above question doesn't imply that a value of 1 is nonsensical for this duration parameter, would someone also be able to explain why giving a duration of 1 gives the following error:
- Code: Select all
CreateMarkovStateVariable_Single(): Error in restrictions
Error in MS-SBVAR MEX file.
Error using mexErrCheck (line 41)
Error encountered in: ms_sbvar_create_init_file.
Error in ms_sbvar_setup (line 443)
Error in ms_estimation (line 40)
Error in lag4 (line 66)
[options_, oo_] = ms_estimation(M_, options_, oo_);
Error in dynare (line 120)
evalin('base',fname) ;
Thanks in advance. I apologize if I've missed this question already being answered elsewhere.