Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable equil

I am trying to estimate a small open economy model based on Gali and Monacelli (2005). I could solve the model. But, when I try to estimate the model I get the following error message.
Error using ==> print_info at 40
Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable equilibrium
Error in ==> initial_estimation_checks at 69
print_info(info, DynareOptions.noprint)
Error in ==> dynare_estimation_1 at 169
oo_ = initial_estimation_checks(objective_function,xparam1,dataset_,M_,estim_params_,options_,bayestopt_,oo_);
Error in ==> dynare_estimation at 70
Error in ==> mycodebay at 273
Error in ==> dynare at 120
evalin('base',fname) ;
I am new to DSGE modeling and Dynare. Can anyone help me to correct this error? Files are attached
Error using ==> print_info at 40
Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable equilibrium
Error in ==> initial_estimation_checks at 69
print_info(info, DynareOptions.noprint)
Error in ==> dynare_estimation_1 at 169
oo_ = initial_estimation_checks(objective_function,xparam1,dataset_,M_,estim_params_,options_,bayestopt_,oo_);
Error in ==> dynare_estimation at 70
Error in ==> mycodebay at 273
Error in ==> dynare at 120
evalin('base',fname) ;
I am new to DSGE modeling and Dynare. Can anyone help me to correct this error? Files are attached