Dear all,
When working in a console mode, I'm seeing Dynare (4.4.0) reporting Acceptance ratios, ratio and rate in a single session. Is there a fundamental difference between those three terms, or otherwise we might use just one of them?
Loading 71 observations from ctwData8.m
Initial value of the log posterior (or likelihood): -6484.7307
Acceptance ratios: 0.280833 [0.316000] 3% done
Acceptance ratio: 0.377300 100% done
Change in the covariance matrix = 9.9999.
Mode improvement = 3229.2936
New value of jscale = 0.0039855
Acceptance ratios: 0.490400 [0.310000] 3% done
Acceptance ratio: 0.296550 100% done
Change in the covariance matrix = 1.3393.
Mode improvement = 39.6372
New value of jscale = 0.074675
Acceptance ratios: 0.362667 [0.328000] 2% done
Acceptance ratio: 0.337350 100% done
Acceptance rates: 0.372300 [0.343000] 5% done
1.000000 Jumps / MaxStepSize 0.051014 35% done
options_.console_mode=1; %(default: 0)
estimation(order=1,datafile=ctwData8, mh_replic=900000, mh_nblocks=1, mh_drop=.3, mh_jscale=0.2,
mode_compute=6, filter_step_ahead = [1 4 8 12], forecast=20,smoother, filtered_vars, diffuse_filter,
nodisplay, moments_varendo, conditional_variance_decomposition=[1 4 8 20],
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