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Endogeneizing parameters

PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2014 3:04 pm
by dyndyn
How can I endogeneize parameters?

I see that I have to create a mod file like

@#if steady
var eta sigmam v ubshare varphi;
parameter U S omega SPR LEV

parameter eta sigma v ubshare varphi;
var U S LEV SPR omega;

Then I do not understand where I should include it. The macro processor guide says to include it in a steadystate.mod file. How can I actually compute steady state? Should I include the mod file above before the model block?


Re: Endogeneizing parameters

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:56 pm
by jpfeifer
Please elaborate what exactly you are trying to achieve. I don't understand the problem.