Re: Identification failure

Thank you for your quick reply.
I could find posterior moments after requesting "moments_varendo", but I think it's not what I wanted to look at.
My actual goal is to get Bayesian credible intervals for endogenous variables.
Specifically, the credible intervals for "var a rn pi yg; %unobservables" in my mod file (D_infe_NK2WO.mod).
Is it possible? In that case, how I can get the intervals and where I can find the interval in results?
I could find posterior moments after requesting "moments_varendo", but I think it's not what I wanted to look at.
My actual goal is to get Bayesian credible intervals for endogenous variables.
Specifically, the credible intervals for "var a rn pi yg; %unobservables" in my mod file (D_infe_NK2WO.mod).
Is it possible? In that case, how I can get the intervals and where I can find the interval in results?