I am trying to estimate the DSGE model in Meh and Moran(2010) featuring more shocks. Since the model is derived by eight, shocks, I am trying to estimate it using the following eight series:
(output ,investment, consumption, earnings, inflation, nominal interest rate, banks' net worth, non-financial business's net worth) I also have the option to replace one of the series with banks' total lending.
I read the guide written by Pfiefer and specified observation equations accordingly. When I estimate the model with real data, however, I get the following error:
Error using chol - The matrix must be positive definite.
Note that by comparing simulated data with real data, the only difference is the range of the variables. For example, in real data deviation from zero is expressed in percentage (eg. 0.02) and it runs from -0.01 to 0.04 while for simulated data it runs from -10 to 10.
I tried the following to figure out the cause of the problem:
1 - I used simulated data from the model, good estimation results were obtained by using mode_compute = 6.
2 - I ran model diagnostics and there was no obvious problems.
3 - I tried different mode_compute (4,6,9) and the same error message is given.
4 - I tried the option mcmc_jumping_covariance=identity_matrix, I obtained some results but they don't make any sense.
5 - I tried to rescale observation equations by dividing them by 100. the range in real data and simulated data is the same but again I get the same error message.
6- I tried to run everything on the snapshot unstable version of Dynare and the problem is the same.
I am wondering what might be the cause of this problem! any suggestion is highly appreciated. I attached the mod file and the data file.