Question regarding "varobs" command
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:42 pm
Hi, I hope you're fine.
I'm new using dynare. I need to estimate a DSGE model using bayesian estimation or maximum likelihood.
My question is regarding the command named "varobs". I check that this command declares the list of observed endogenous variables which are loaded in the datafile and are used to estimate the parameters.
I check in all examples of estimation of DSGE models using bayesian or maximum likelihood estimation that in "varobs" declares a minimum amount of endogenous variables. Allways declare less variables than the include in "var".
For example I attach one example from Lawrence Christiano. At the code we have 7 endogenous variables declared in "var": pie x r rstar da tau dy.
But in "varobs" It declares only: pie dy.
What is the criteria to define the variables to include in "varobs"? Why x r rstar da and tau are excluded from varobs?
Thanks for your time, kind regards. Lautaro
I'm new using dynare. I need to estimate a DSGE model using bayesian estimation or maximum likelihood.
My question is regarding the command named "varobs". I check that this command declares the list of observed endogenous variables which are loaded in the datafile and are used to estimate the parameters.
I check in all examples of estimation of DSGE models using bayesian or maximum likelihood estimation that in "varobs" declares a minimum amount of endogenous variables. Allways declare less variables than the include in "var".
For example I attach one example from Lawrence Christiano. At the code we have 7 endogenous variables declared in "var": pie x r rstar da tau dy.
But in "varobs" It declares only: pie dy.
What is the criteria to define the variables to include in "varobs"? Why x r rstar da and tau are excluded from varobs?
Thanks for your time, kind regards. Lautaro