Hi everyone,
I am running simulations using Dynare++ to solve the model, but I have an issue I can't find a solution. Sometimes, when Blanchard-Kahn conditions are not satisfied with the parameters of the simulation, the system hangs, instead of exiting Dynare++ execution with an error call. I'm running the simulations in a 64-bit computer with Windows Professional edition, Matlab version R2015a.
In order to provide a summary of the code, the simulations runs as follows:
1) choose a set of parameters to simulate the model;
2) run Dynare++ with a call given by: "checksol = system('C:\dynare\4.4.3\dynare++\dynare++ --order 3 --no-irfs --no-centralize model.mod');", where checksol is the outcome of the call to "system" (result is zero if everything is fine).
3) given the solution of the model, run simulations; otherwise, back to step 1;
4) store simulation results, back to 1.
The whole issue is during step 3, when the call to the command in Matlab simply does not return. If I interrupt the execution, I can see that the journal file (.jnl file produced by Dynare++) finished the execution and produced an outcome saying that the system did not satisfied the Blanchard-Kahn conditions. Another interesting point: if I call the "system" command again, right after interruption, I get a normal error output, as expected.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.