Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:58 am
Is it correct that you take into account dummies twice during estimation of markov-switching bayesian VAR: in fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m and in fn_rlrpostr.m (inside function ms_sbvar_setup() from ms_estimation)? It seems to me that dummies should appear only in likelihood function but not in prior. Otherwise, it's double counting.
Thank you
Is it correct that you take into account dummies twice during estimation of markov-switching bayesian VAR: in fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m and in fn_rlrpostr.m (inside function ms_sbvar_setup() from ms_estimation)? It seems to me that dummies should appear only in likelihood function but not in prior. Otherwise, it's double counting.
Thank you