I intend to do an experiment from a calibrated model that consists in simulating how inflation and inflation expectations evolve during 80 periods. I have a vector with a given shock in each of these periods.
I tried to use the EXPECTATION feature in a deterministic model to recover inflation expectations, but the output is just the lagged inflation. As far as I undestood Dynare manual, this is because the agent is supposed to know all the future path of the shocks. Is it possible to recover expectations supposing that the agent does not know the subsequent path of the shocks?
I was wondering if a stochastic simulation is the correct way to do this kind of simulation, but the agent would still know the future shocks trajectory (in this case, zero). Maybe it would work if I am able to inform the shocks vector in a stochastic context, but I also couldn´t find a way to do that.
Thanks in advance,