I have a question on measurement equations. I consider non-linear model but I use log linear transformation for the data (some of ts) and hence I write:
// Measurement equations
yobs = 100*( log(y / y(-1)) + log(gammaz) - log(gammazss)) ;
cobs = 100*(log(c / c(-1)) + log(gammaz) - log(gammazss)) ;
invobs = 100*(log(inv / inv(-1)) + log(gammaz) - log(gammazss));
wobs = 100*(log(w / w(-1)) + log(gammaz) - log(gammazss) + wobs_er);
piobs = 100*(log(pi) - log(piss));
Robs = r*4;
vobs = log(teta*(l-(1-rho)*n(-1))) - log(vss);
uobs = 100*((l-n)/l - uss);
I got quite standard results for my estimation. But I couldn't match my smoothed variables back to the data. I tried the transformation : y_model = exp( y_smoothedvariable + log( y_model)) and it worked only for prices... Even though it is weird since dynare does linearization and not log-linearization by default.
Do you know what is the matter, or I just shall use non-linear measurement equations?
Thanks a lot!