Problems running DSGE-VAR
Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 3:10 pm
I'm trying to run a robustness check of my DSGE model using a DSGE-VAR since the shock decomposition is producing a very high degree of volatility and potentially strange results.* I've seen a couple sources suggesting that if you don't have stochastic singularity this is likely the result of model misspecification, and that all models have some level of misspecification. They suggested that running a DSGE-VAR and comparing against the DSGE can help figure out how bad the misspecification is because DSGE-VARs have more stringent restrictions on the parameters. Is this an accurate assessment of both the potential for misspecification in the model and the utility of a DSGE-VAR in helping to quantify this misspecification in a certain sense?
However, when I try to run the DSGE-VAR, I get the repeated error "Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate."
If I try to run the DSGE-VAR with the "bayesian_irf" estimation option enabled, I get the error "ERROR: When estimating a DSGE-Var and the bayesian_irf option is passed to the estimation statement, the number of shocks must equal the number of observed variables." It doesn't matter how many shocks I enable or disable in my program though, I always get the error, so I'm not sure what's going on.
Program and data are attached**. I am running Dynare 4.4.3.
*Some of this is likely due to using a two-sided HP filter for my data. I understand this is wrong, but I have not had time to implement a one-sided HP filter yet.
**See this post for updated data and code.
I'm trying to run a robustness check of my DSGE model using a DSGE-VAR since the shock decomposition is producing a very high degree of volatility and potentially strange results.* I've seen a couple sources suggesting that if you don't have stochastic singularity this is likely the result of model misspecification, and that all models have some level of misspecification. They suggested that running a DSGE-VAR and comparing against the DSGE can help figure out how bad the misspecification is because DSGE-VARs have more stringent restrictions on the parameters. Is this an accurate assessment of both the potential for misspecification in the model and the utility of a DSGE-VAR in helping to quantify this misspecification in a certain sense?
However, when I try to run the DSGE-VAR, I get the repeated error "Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate."
If I try to run the DSGE-VAR with the "bayesian_irf" estimation option enabled, I get the error "ERROR: When estimating a DSGE-Var and the bayesian_irf option is passed to the estimation statement, the number of shocks must equal the number of observed variables." It doesn't matter how many shocks I enable or disable in my program though, I always get the error, so I'm not sure what's going on.
Program and data are attached**. I am running Dynare 4.4.3.
*Some of this is likely due to using a two-sided HP filter for my data. I understand this is wrong, but I have not had time to implement a one-sided HP filter yet.
**See this post for updated data and code.