Could you help me with one problem? When I'm trying to check the model, DYNARE(at Matlab) shows error(see at the end).
I have Russian version of matlab. Error message talk that indexes must be natural number.
At dr1.m some of k0 are equal to zero. As I understand, “iy_” represents presents of lags, expectations ant current variables at system of equations (k0 is reordered row from that matrix as I understand).
At my model, when I use stationary variables, 2 of them exist only at form of future value expectation. Could you recommend me how to be? What could I do for checking and estimation of the model?
PS great thanks for help
the error message:
??? Индексы должны быть либо действительными положительными целыми, либо логическими.
Ошибка в ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\dynare_v3\matlab\dr1.m
В строке 139 ==> b = jacobia_(:,k0);
Ошибка в ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\dynare_v3\matlab\resol.m
В строке 48 ==> [dr,info] = dr1(dr,check_flag);
Ошибка в ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\dynare_v3\matlab\check.m
В строке 18 ==> [dr, info] = resol(ys_,1);
Ошибка в ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\dynare_v3\modeli\model.m
В строке 144 ==> check;
Ошибка в ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\dynare_v3\matlab\dynare.m
В строке 26 ==> evalin('base',fname) ;