Basic question about investment adjustment costs.

Sorry for the basic question.
I am trying to model a representative firm that rents capital goods to firms producing intermediate variables. I need to introduce capital adjustment costs.
1) I know this is very basic, but I cannot understand how to get the F.O.C from the optimisation problem in the attached file (from Garcia and Restrepo (2007)). I know that Q is tobin's Q, the lagrange multiplier that arises when maximising (26) s.t. (27). But why is P_t, the overall price level, in the f.o.c?
2) Any other reference you would recommend for the most basic and simple example of how to do capital adjustment costs?
I am trying to model a representative firm that rents capital goods to firms producing intermediate variables. I need to introduce capital adjustment costs.
1) I know this is very basic, but I cannot understand how to get the F.O.C from the optimisation problem in the attached file (from Garcia and Restrepo (2007)). I know that Q is tobin's Q, the lagrange multiplier that arises when maximising (26) s.t. (27). But why is P_t, the overall price level, in the f.o.c?
2) Any other reference you would recommend for the most basic and simple example of how to do capital adjustment costs?