relying on Walras law, I imposed only n-1 market clearing equations in my mod file for solving my model with Dynare, because the n-th market clearing condition is implied by the others n-1 market clearing conditions.
However, I found out that when I do not impose market clearing on the bonds market in my model, but impose all other market clearing conditions, the Blanchard Kahn conditions are no longer satisfied, whereas they are satisfied when I do not impose any of the other market clearing conditions. I find this really weird, because the market clearing condition on the bonds market in my model should be satisfied even though I don't explicitly impose this condition in the mod file, and the Blanchard Kahn conditions should be either never satisfied, either always satisfied, whatever the market clearing condition that I don't include in the Dynare file.
So I am wondering if this weird result reveals something wrong about my model ? In the cases when the Blanchard Kahn conditions are satisfied, everything seems right, and I used the model_diagnostics command in both cases, and nothing wrong is detected. So I really don't understand what's going on.
Thank you very much for any help with that