Dear all,
Can anyone help me in finding a way to impose A0- A+ cross-restrictions inside the 'ms_bvar' dynare codes?
More in detail, I need to impose a restriction applied to the second equation of my VAR with 4 variables, which involves a linear combination of 3 coefficients, one inside the A0 and two inside the A+ (all in the same equation):
which in terms of dynare codes should be:
'restriction equation 2, coeff(x,0)-coeff(x,1)-coeff(x,2)=0;'
However, Dynare gives me an error message saying 'SVAR_IDENTIFICATION: a single restrictions must affect either Qi or Ri, but not both
Reading the dynare options, I understand that the 'cross_restrictions' option inside the 'ms_estimation' code should allow this kind of restriction, but it continues to give me the same error.
Does anyone know, firstly, whether this kind of restriction is implementable inside these codes and, secondly, how to apply it?