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problems with dynare++

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:30 am
by wingfly
(1)I just run the example1.mod in dynare++, according to the instruction from the tutorial. But the exampl1_f.m always contains the following and thus this example1.m can not be used in matlab.

% hardwired constants
a0 = 0;
a1 = 1;
a2 = 1.#QNAN;
a3 = 1.1283792;

(2)when I try to find the steady states for another model, and I try to guess the steady states using the method at the end of the tutorial, but the above problem persists.
Thus is 1.#QNAN not recognized in matlab? Is there something wrong with my computer?


what's more

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:08 pm
by wingfly
Here is my model, but dynare++ always report

C:\dynare>dynare++ TaxLabor.mod
Caught Dynare exception: nlsolve.cpp:100 Initial guess does not yield finit residual in NLSolver:solve

Probably this problem is trial, but your kind advice on how to get the right deterministic steady states is appreciated.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:22 am
by wingfly
Now I run the program in Dynare and the steady state is solved. But this Ramsey problem seems to be indetermined:

>> dynare TaxLabor51.mod


A 15
C 1.4008
initA 0.611234
K 15.7462
lmd 0.794806
N 0.244403
phi -0.635449
TauN 0.0988413
Z 8.53105e-010

??? Error using ==> print_info
Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: indeterminacy

Error in ==> stoch_simul at 50

Error in ==> TaxLabor51 at 113

Error in ==> dynare at 26
evalin('base',fname) ;

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:07 pm
by MichelJuillard
For the first two questions, I still need to check by running the example.

For the third question, it may just turn out that your model, for this particular parameter values, don't satisfy BK conditions.



PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:27 am
by wingfly
Thanks! But please excuse my not so good expression in English.
The problem with my model can be discussed later, and now I have a problem with the Dynare++ program.
I run the kp1980_1.dyn attarched in the files of downloaded dynare++, step by step to calculate the steady states since I fail to guess the right initial values. I did this according to the instructions in the dynare++tutorial.pdf, which is

7.4 Matlab Scripts for Steady State Calculations

on page 74. But the system always return the following message:

% hardwired constants
a0 = 0;
a1 = 1;
a2 = 1.#QNAN;
a3 = 1.1283792;

the problem is #QUAN can not be processed by the computer. I do not know what is wrong with it. Thanks again for your answer.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:02 pm
by OndraKamenik
Dear wingfly,

The error with strange identifier "a2 = 1.#QNAN;" is dynare++ bug. It appears only on windows. The reason is that MinGW (compiler used for dynare++ for Windows) implements printf() function yielding this strange string. This string cannot be swallowed by Matlab. The workaround is to change "1.#QNAN" to "NaN", which is understood by Matlab.

The bug is corrected in dynare++-1.3.4, which is going to be released soon. The bug fix is already in svn.


Concerning the solution of the steady state for Ramsey optimal problems: please, make sure, that the model has inherent mechanisms to identify steady state of policy variable(s). Then you can use the provided M files to locate the problem in non-existent steady state.

Ondra K.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:48 pm
by wingfly
Thanks! And it si true that the model that I use is indetermined.
Thank again